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2023 International Faculty of Culture and Society Scholarship at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand

Applications are now invited for the AUT International Excellence Scholarships awarded to international students with outstanding academic who are willing to study in New Zealand.

Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and the Faculty of Culture and Society provide scholarships to recognize and support high achieving international students as they begin their journey in becoming great graduates of AUT.


  • Applicants must be full fee-paying international students (Note: International students are students who are neither citizens, permanent residents nor resident visa holders of New Zealand or Australia).
  • Applicants must have a current and valid conditional or unconditional offer to study in a Faculty of Culture and Society programme (undergraduate level or above, excluding doctoral and at least 120 points).
  • Applicants will be asked to provide their AUT Student ID in the box provided on the application form. 4. Scholarships are awarded on academic merit and quality of the applicant’s personal statement (no more than 200 words).
  • Applicants are required to declare if they have applied for other forms of scholarships both internally (i.e., awarded by AUT) and externally (e.g., government scholarships).

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Postgraduate

Value of Award: $7000 contribution to fees

Duration of Award: Tenure is for one year only

Numbers of Awards: 35

Method of Application: Application is through the AUT online scholarship portal 

Application Deadline: November 15, 2022


2023 International Faculty of Culture and Society Scholarship at Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand
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