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2025 Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund

Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund Description:

Title: 2025 Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund

Application deadline: 21st March 2025

The Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund aim to catalyze new and strengthen existing collaborations between researchers in Africa and Cambridge and support high-quality training activities. The focus of the scheme is research on climate resilience and sustainability.  This focus is interpreted broadly so long as the linkage of the research to these areas can be justified in the application for the award.  Awards are made to pairs of researchers (post-doctoral and above although due consideration will be given for equivalent experience), one from an African university or research institution and one from the University of Cambridge. We encourage applications from across the sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts and from all academic subject areas. We particularly encourage innovative research. Multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research proposals and research-related training activities are welcomed.

The research fund is supported by a generous £7.7million investment by the Mastercard Foundation and will run from 2025 to 2030. The Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund will follow an annual cycle of awards until 2029 when the award will support activities for the year 2029-30. It is anticipated that most awards will be made for activities that will take place over 12 months.

In this round, applications can be made for a Research Catalyst Grant for up to £20,000 or a Workshop Grant for up to £50,000. It is anticipated that many awardees will be able to use the preliminary results from their research catalyst grant to apply for and win significant funding from other funding bodies.


The purpose of the Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund (CReSus RF) is to develop innovative, integrated and interdisciplinary responses to sustainability and climate challenges, and shape the African continent’s responses to these challenges through research, innovation and skills for the next generation.

Applicants from Cambridge apply jointly with applicants from universities/ institutes in Africa and co-create the projects. It is important that the funding is not simply used to provide services that will be carried out at one institution on behalf of the other, and that true collaboration is demonstrated in the application. All applications must justify how the research is relevant to climate resilience and sustainability. This may be broadly interpreted.

Funding is not restricted to science departments but is open to all disciplines and departments. Multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary applications are particularly welcomed as are innovative approaches. Research proposals that engage with young people on the African continent (aged <36 years) and /or are of benefit to young people will be prioritized. Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to consider how young people might be involved in the research team in Africa.

Workshop proposals should be designed to enhance the skills of young people in Africa.

Both applicants should be at post-doctoral level or above although due consideration will be given for equivalent experience. Please contact us if one of the applicants does not have a PhD. By completing an application, it is understood that both applicants are doing so with support from their Head of Department or equivalent. Both applicants should have a formal link to a research group/department/faculty in their home institution. It is also expected that both applicants remain employed beyond the end date of the awards. The awards are not intended to support postgraduate students, however, limited support for students (e.g. as part of a research project or internship) is encouraged. The Cambridge-based applicant must be working at the University of Cambridge. The Cambridge applicants will act as the lead applicants, for administrative purposes, as the awards will be managed by their Cambridge Departments/Faculties/Institutes.

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For more information and application:

Visit the official website of the 2025 Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund

2025 Mastercard Foundation and University of Cambridge Climate Resilience and Sustainability Research Fund
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