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Developer Relations at Railway, Remote

  • Full Time
  • Mid-level
  • Remote
  • Remote

Website Railway


Job Title: Developer Relations

At Railway, we make it extremely simple for engineers to deploy logic without thinking about servers. Our goal is to make developers orders of magnitude more efficient by becoming the operating system for modern development.

We give developers a sandbox to espouse their ideas. We are looking for someone who can let them know what is possible with the platform. We seek to make developers 100x more effective, and build 100x more impactful systems. Building leverage is a core part of what we do.

Oft an under-appreciated way to help developers build those levers is to focus on improving the speed and effectiveness of those developers.

For this role, you will:

  • Implement programs to gather developer feedback and then exercise discretion on how to best communicate to those users
  • Build and refine product adoption loops through content, improvements to the product, and nurturing community
  • Assist the team on initiatives around our Open Source presence such as our CLI, Nixpacks, and Templates
  • Craft resources that help grow the developer ecosystem and ensure that the experience for new and existing users is as seamless as possible

Dev Rel is an often misunderstood role, we see it as a hybrid of being able to make cool stuff and talking about it, but also being the tip of the spear in getting feedback from the market. You should be knowledgeable about modern DevOps practices, the state of the cloud infra world, while being opinionated about how the next 10 years of Dev Tools should look like.

This is a high impact, high agency role where you are given a high degree of autonomy to work with any function you desire while receiving any support from the team you need. As our first hire in this area, we expect you to wear a lot of hats while setting the strategy.

About you

  • A strong ability to communicate clearly, whether it’s via writing, video, or practical projects incorporating Railway
  • A enthusiast about our product, Railway uses Railway to build Railway. (Say that 5 times fast) You should be able to share insights with developers of all stripes to let them know how our product can help them
  • A great sense of direction and prioritization when it comes to dealing with the ambiguity of an early stage startup
  • Someone who is comfortable in a few different languages/stacks and can create educational content on how to deploy those projects on a public cloud (the status quo) or Railway (the thing we hope to be better than the status quo)
  • Able to take really technical concepts and make it as easy to understand as possible

We value and love to work with diverse persons from all backgrounds

Things to Know

For better or worse, we’re a startup; our team dynamics are different from companies of different sizes and stages.

  • We’re distributed ALL across the globe, and that’s only going to be more and more distributed. As a result, stuff is ALWAYS happening.
  • We do NOT expect you to work all the time, but you’ll have to be diligent about your boundaries because the end of your day may overlap with the start of someone else’s.
  • We’re a small team, with high ownership, who are not only passionate about what we do, but seek to be exceptional as well. At the time of writing we’re 21, serving hundreds of thousands of users. There’s a lot of stuff going on, and a lot of ambiguity.
  • We want you to own it. We believe that ownership is a key to growth, and part of that growth is not only being able to make the choices, but owning the success, or failure, that comes with those choices.

Benefits and Perks

At Railway, we provide best in class benefits. Great salary, full health benefits including dependents, strong equity grants, equipment stipend, and much more. For more details, check back on the main careers page.

Beyond compensation, there are a few things that we believe that make working at Railway truly unique:

  • Autonomy: We have very few meetings. Just a Monday and a Friday to go over the Company Board. We think your time is sacred, whether it’s at work, or outside of work.
  • Ownership: We’re a company with a high ownership, high autonomy culture. We hope that you’ll come in, help us, and over the course of many years do the best work of your life. When we bring you onboard, we expect you to change the company.
  • Novel problems/solutions: We’re a startup that’s well funded, with cool problems, which lets us implement novel solutions! We abhor “busywork” and think, whether it’s community, engineering, operations, etc there’s always opportunity for creative and high leverage solutions.
  • Growth: We want you to grow with us, but we know that talent is loaned, so when you figure out what area you want to grow in next, whether it’s at Railway or outside, we’ll make sure you land there.

How We Hire

No tricks. No surprises. Here’s the entire process.

Talk with us about the role

  • This is completely open ended and we’re just trying to see who you are, what you want to do, and where you wanna go.

Work on a small project to discuss in the interview

  • Asynchronously implement the following:
  • Build something and deploy it on Railway using as many features as possible
  • You will submit your solution before the interview, and you’ll sit down with a member of the team and go over the above. We’ll poke into your solution, as well as get you acquainted with a member of the team.
  • You can, and SHOULD ask us questions ahead of time if you have them.

Review your solution with the Team

  • You’ll sit down with someone on the team and go over the above. We’ll poke into your solution, as well as get you acquainted with two more members of the team.
  • Looking for: Learn about your problem solving skills. How you break down a problem and how you present a solution.
  • Interview Structure (60 Minutes):
  • Pre-work (submitted before your interview): Build and deploy your project
  • 0-5 minutes: Introduction
  • 5-20 minutes: Walking through the project
  • 20-50 minutes: Walking through how you think about content, relations, intersection with other roles
  • 50-60 minutes: Time for you to ask your interviewers questions
  • Meet the Team
  • You’ll meet the Team, which will be comprised of 4 people from vastly different sections of the company.
  • Looking for: How you work with the rest of the team and communicate.
  • Offer and Details Chat with CEO
  • Finally, we will go over the process, the role, and hammer out the details about your position, onboarding, and all the deets.

Final Note: The interview goes both ways. Once again, please ask us things. Many things! Hard things. That’s what we’re here for. #Global

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Developer Relations at Railway, Remote
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