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African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) 2023/2024 Ph.D Fellowships.

AERC wishes to announce the 2023/2024 Ph.D. scholarships for applicants from Francophone and Anglophone sub-Saharan African countries admitted into any of the following AERC Collaborative PhD Programme (CPP) in Economics degree-awarding universities:   University of Cape Town, South Africa University of Witwatersrand, South Africa University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania University of Nairobi, Kenya University […]

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American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowship 2024/2025 For Women (Masters & Doctoral Program In USA)

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers International Fellowship for Women to study for Masters, Doctoral and Postdoctoral program in USA 2024/2025 academic year. Application Deadline: 15th November 2023   International Fellowships have been in existence since 1917. The program provides support for women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States to […]

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WIPO Global Health Innovation Fellowships 2023 for Young Researcher and Entrepreneur

WIPO Global Health Innovation Fellowships 2023. Are you ready to unlock your potential as a young researcher and entrepreneur, bringing to life ideas and innovation at the crossroads of technology, public health, and intellectual property? Application Deadline: September 1, 2023. Eligibility Criteria: Candidates must meet the admission criteria of the Biodesign Program of the Department […]

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BudglT 2023 GovSpend Media Fellowship Program for Nigerian Journalist

Application Deadline: 15 Aygust 2023 BudgIT recently released a new product called the GovSpend to the public as an analytic of the open treasury platform of the federal of Nigeria that shows the daily spending from the national treasury and different MDAs. The gov spend portal makes it easy for users to see full spending details and […]

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Ufahamu Africa Non-resident Fellowship 2023 for Researchers, Journalists, Practitioners, and Podcasters (Stipend: $3,500 USD)

Application Deadline is 5 p.m. (EDT) on August 30, 2023. We invite researchers, journalists, practitioners, and podcasters interested in contributing to content creation and dissemination of cutting-edge analysis and important narratives about life and politics on the continent to apply for a nine month non-resident fellowship. Selected fellows will have the opportunity to guest host […]

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Crick Africa Network (CAN) Acceleration Fellowships 2024 for Early career Biomedical Scientists

Application Deadline  12 November 2023 The Crick Africa Network (CAN) is offering African Career Acceleration Fellowships supported by LifeArc for early-career biomedical scientists to develop translational scientific programmes and become independent scientists. We’re looking for ambitious early-career African scientists who can demonstrate strong scientific and leadership potential, a keen interest in translational science, and a […]

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Hong kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2024/2025 (Funded)

Application deadline 01/December/ 2023 Background Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong’s universities. Eligibility Candidates who are seeking admission as new full time PhD […]

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NVIDIA International Graduate Fellowship Program 2024 for Doctoral Students ( $60,000 award )

This is the twenty-third year that NVIDIA has invited PhD students to submit their research projects for consideration. Recipients are selected based on their academic achievements, professor nomination, and area of research. We have found this program to be a great way to support academia in its pursuit of cutting edge innovation, as well as […]

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Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation International Climate Protection Fellowship 2023/2024 for Young Climate Experts from Developing Countries.

Are you working academically or practically in climate protection or climate-relevant resource conservation in your home country – a non-European developing or transition country (see list of countries, PDF)? Then we invite you to apply for an International Climate Protection Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. If you are a prospective leader you will do a one-year research-related project in Germany […]

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AXA’s Insurance Innovation Accelerator Program for Startups.

About AXA’s insurance innovation accelerator program is a 15-week program that is targeted at startups of all stages, from the idea stage to scale-up. The program provides a platform for startups to get access to industry experts and mentors, as well as experience-based learning through a series of masterclasses. Eligibility Startups, Founders, Innovators applying for […]

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The Anzisha Prize Fellowship Programm 2024 for Young African Entrepreneurs (USD $200,000 prize money )

The Anzisha Prize is Africa’s biggest award for her youngest entrepreneurs aged 15 – 22 years, and hands out over USD $200,000 every year in business support and prize money to very young entrepreneurs from all over the continent. The Anzisha Prize has championed and supported over 200 Very Young Entrepreneurs throughout the African continent. […]

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ITTO Freezailah Fellowship Fund for Professionals in Tropical Forestry 2023 with (US$10,000) Grants.

ITTO offers fellowships through the Freezailah Fellowship Fund to promote human resource development and to strengthen professional expertise in member countries in tropical forestry and related disciplines. The goal is to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests, the efficient use and processing of tropical timber, and better economic information about the international trade in […]

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