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Study In Germany. DAAD Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship for International Students.

Programme Description

Study In Germany. DAAD Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship for International Students. German and international students from any discipline and higher education institution are invited to apply for the scholarship by the Foundation, which is closely associated with the German Green Party. Candidates are sympathetic to the goals of the “green” political movement, they have excellent school grades and academic standing and are socially and politically involved. They are tomorrow’s experts and leaders, prepared to take responsibility and advocate the Foundation’s green ideals in an international context: the concepts of democracy, ecology, solidarity and nonviolence.

Application Requirements

  • Proof of the required level of German language (B2 oder DSH 2)
  • excellent school grades and academic standing; if requested, first graded proofs of academic achievements
  • social engagement and interest in politics
  • convincing justification for applying to the Foundation

Target Group

The scholarship is geared to particularly gifted students from Germany and abroad. Applicants from any discipline and higher education institution are eligible for funding: talented students showing excellent promise for future academic and professional careers. Moreover, applicants show involvement in line with the values of green policy.

Academic Requirements

admission to a Master’s degree course at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education in Germany

Number of Scholarships

The Heinrich Böll Foundation funds scholarships for about 1,650 (doctoral) students every year.


Funding generally covers the standard study period with the option to apply for renewal for 1 semester.

Scholarship Value

Please find further information on the current funding here.

Application Papers

Application forms and further information on the application procedure can be found here.

Application Deadline

1 March and 1 September of each year


Visit official website for more information. Study In Germany. DAAD Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship for International Students.

Study In Germany. DAAD Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarship for International Students.
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