Always Never Home

We help candidates land their dream Jobs, Internships, Grants, Scholarships and Graduate programs

We are now registered

I’m happy to announce ANH is now a registered company in Nigeria – RC – 1977137

It has always been a dream of ours to operate as a startup within Nigeria and outside the continent. For those asking if they can intern with us during NYSC, yes, you can. We are working on that already. Please feel free to reach out.

In the meantime, we’re doing our best to help those without jobs and access to opportunities to get one. You have all seen the testimonials… And I believe we can do more for each other through the jobs portal and the internships portal as well.

Why “Always Never Home”?

We built ANh because we want to remind everyone not to settle. Don’t “feel at home…” Don’t get too comfortable. There are so many opportunities out there on the internet and you can access them from anywhere for free. Learn as much as you can. Participate, collaborate, explore and see where life takes you, Journey far, learn who you can become… No knowledge is a waste.

What we have built so far:

The jobs portal where you can apply to remote and onsite jobs for free:

For internships, scholarships, jobs and opportunities that do not require experience:

To find Bookclubs, bookstores, literary meetups and literary opportunities around you:

Thank you all for your support
 – Magnus

We will never DM you. These opportunities are posted publicly for free. And yes, we’re open to collaboration(s) – You can find our logos in all formats by clicking here.

We are now registered
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